Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Ultimo Science Festival - Review

We visited the ABC centre in Harris st to visit the Ultimo Science Festival.
Children were invited to take part in hands on activities such as looking through a microscope to count the number of eyes on a funnel web spider. They could solder their own flashing light toy and engage with the many scientists who were also there assisting and encouraging.

The highlight for my 9 year old was Ruben Meerman, the surfing scientist who demonstrated some impressive experiments with dry ice, balloons and potatoes.

Stand up mathematician, Simon Pampena, gave an hysterical dancing and screaming performance sharing his passion for numbers with the audience.

My problem now is: How do I explain again to my son those answers he gave for 0 divided by 0?

Review by Kathryn Cronshaw

Other activities included
Calico Bags Block Printing
Using hand carved stamps and artists quality paint to depict processes and systems in nature on a canvas shopping bag. Choosing from an insect’s life cycle, root system of a native grass, stormwater waste stream, fresh water pond life and much much more.

Leonardo da Vinci: Models of Genius
A talk about the working models based on the artist's sketches and notebooks. Demonstrating Leonardo da Vinci's uncanny foretelling of 'modern' innovations such as paddle wheel boats, double hulls for ships, the anemometer and hygrometer.

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